Mar 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

NPC Alert System, Student Texts, Closures

How to Keep Informed

If an emergency occurs on campus, you want to know about it right away. Northland Pioneer College employs the RAVE Emergency Text Messaging System to send text or voice messages to subscribers’ phones and/or email addresses.

This system may be activated when:

  • a severe weather warning is issued for the immediate area surrounding any of the campuses/centers.
  • a major chemical spill occurs on or near campus.
  • a major criminal event resulting in, or having potential to result in, widespread personal injury occurs on campus.
  • a NPC campus/center will be closed due to a weather-related or other emergencies.
  • a Campus/Center Crime Alert is issued.
  • occasions are deemed appropriate by college officials.

An “All Clear” text message will be sent (if required) when the situation has been resolved.

Any faculty member, staff member or NPC student can sign up for this service by logging onto “MyNPC” and signing into the RAVE portlet. More than one phone number may be added by the user, to provide NPC emergency notifications to family members or other interested parties.

Check your RAVE information

Make sure your NPC RAVE Notification information is current. To check on the status of your RAVE account, log in to “MyNPC” and then on the bottom right section of the welcome (home) page you will see a box labeled “RAVE User Portlet,” or directly to “”

Within the box, you will see a subsection with email, mobile phones and voice only line contacts (home phone). If there is nothing in the box, that means you are not signed up for the NPC RAVE Notification system and you will need to do so if you want to be on the RAVE notification system. If your listed information is wrong, just go to the update tab located at the bottom of the RAVE box and it will enable you to update your information.

It is recommended students enter at least a cell phone number as NPC will use text messages for emergency notifications. If something were to happen on campus while you were there, it wouldn’t be of much help to call your home phone. If you receive email on your cellphone on another account instead of your NPC email account then list that email also.

Know Where To Find Emergency Information

The NPC homepage,, will have the most current information in an emergency.

You can access NPC’s Emergency Operations Plan from the home page on

Crisis Manager App

Download the FREE Crisis Manager - Education App from your App Store for specific information about what to do in a variety of emergency situations.

Further information about downloading this free app for your smartphone is posted on the Emergency Operations Plan tab on

Area Emergency Information

For information regarding area-wide emergencies in southern Navajo and Apache counties, you can call 311 from any Frontier landline phone. From a CellularOne of Northeastern Arizona phone, dial *311 (star) when in the home coverage area. Verizon customers can dial #311 (pound). From other cell or non-Frontier system phones, call (928) 333-3412. Long distance charges may apply.

You’ll receive information about prescribed burns, smoke conditions and other emergencies. DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 unless you have an actual emergency.

You can also get updated information on the web at:

Campus/Center Closings and Class Cancellations

If weather conditions or other emergencies force the closure of an NPC campus or center, an announcement will be made over radio stations serving the affected area. The notice will also be posted on the college’s website,, and the RAVE alert system, which can send notifications to students and staff via land line, cell phone, email or text message.

The decision to close an NPC facility while classes are in session will be made by the Vice President for Learning and Student Services, based on information from local law enforcement and NPC personnel. Instructors may cancel individual classes with the permission of the department dean. When time permits, students will be notified by phone of individual class cancellations. Students are responsible for making up any missed work.

General Principles

  1. Short of a two-county disaster area being declared, the college as a whole rarely closes because of weather. If such a disaster occurs, the decision to close will be made by the College President.
  2. In the event of a very severe weather or other emergency situation, an individual campus or center might be closed for a period of time. If such a situation occurs, a decision to close a campus or center while classes are in session due to weather related issues will be made by the Vice President for Learning and Student Services (VPLSS). If there is a facility-related emergency the Vice President for Administration Services will make the decision.
  3. As a general rule, classes will not be canceled, so faculty and students need to exercise judgment regarding travel to campuses and centers for classes in severe weather conditions.
  4. If a class is missed because of weather conditions, it needs to be made up. If a faculty member is unable to teach a class, he or she must call the appropriate academic dean/director and the campus/center office as soon as possible to let them know. If possible, the campus/center office will notify students of the faculty member’s class cancellation to forestall an unnecessary trip to the campus/center by the students.

​​Reporting Emergencies

Call 9-1-1 or 9-9-1-1 from any college phone.

Get the appropriate first responders coming to handle the emergency situation. Give the dispatcher as many details as possible, and be specific about which NPC location, building, room or parking area. Your call from a college phone also alerts the campus office of an emergency. College personnel will be responding to help as well.

Once the “emergency” nature of the situation is resolved, or for “non-emergency incidents,” the reporting person should contact the designated campus/center managers (listed at each location) who handle emergencies, and collect and distribute the following information:

  1. Who made the call: name, classification (student, townsperson, faculty, etc.)
  2. What is the nature of the call: report of theft, fire, etc.
  3. Where did it happen: in the building, if so which one, etc.
  4. When did it happen: date and time, if known.
  5. When were local fire/police or medical personnel advised?
  6. When was president or member of president’s staff advised of the situation?

Other pertinent information such as witnesses of the event, etc. and action taken if any, should be noted. The reporting party needs to sign the report.

[NPC Procedure #2510, based on Policy #1310]

Campus/Center Security Information, Policies

In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. 102, the Northland Pioneer College provides an annual security report, posted online at

In addition to annual crime statistics, links are provided to the college’s security plan, alcohol and drug policy, and procedure for reporting crimes on college facilities.

Written copies of the annual report are available from the office of the Vice President for Learning and Student Services, (800) 266-7845, ext. 6141.

Non-Emergency Student Text Messages

NPC sends important college information via text message to current students’ cell phone numbers. Messages will include registration dates, class schedule availability, financial aid deadlines, scholarship opportunities, graduation information, college events and more. Students can signup to receive these text messages by providing their cell phone number on NPC’s course registration form (and not checking the opt-out box) or by sending a text from their phone to an official NPC texting phone number and completing the sign-up process.

Students can opt-out of receiving text messages at any time by replying “STOP” to any non-emergency NPC text message. This will permanently remove the student from the non-emergency text list. Students should note that once they use the “STOP” opt-out option, the only way to start receiving NPC student texts again is to re-sign-up by sending a new text message to an official NPC texting phone number. Signing up by providing a cell phone number through the course registration process is no longer an option. Students who have never signed-up for non-emergency text messages can opt-out of receiving them by checking the opt-out box on the NPC course registration form. See for more information.

Communication is Key at NPC

FORWARD NPC student email messages to your preferred email account


  1. Login to your NPC student email account.
  2. Click on email.
  3. Click on the sprocket icon in the top right and select “Settings.”
  4. Click on the link that says, “Forwarding and POP/IMAP.” Under “forwarding,” click on the button that says “Add a forwarding address” and then type in the email address to which you want to forward your NPC student email.

Be sure to click SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the page.

Note: We recommend that you select “keep Northland Pioneer College Mail’s copy in the Inbox” so you will have duplicate copies of your student mail in your student account.

Receive text messages from instructors/advisers in regard to your success at NPC


  1. Login to your Starfish account.
  2. Click on the menu in the top left corner; then click on your name; then click on institutional profile.
  3. Enter cellphone number with @cellphoneprovider in this format: for Verizon users or for CellOne users. For other cell providers you have to hover over the little cell phone to the right of the “alternate email” box.

Note: Starfish doesn’t have a list of all providers. If you use a provider other than Verizon or CellOne, please contact your provider to ask if they have an address “” that works for their services.

Update your contact information on MyNPC


  1. Go to, click on the hamburger menu at the top right. Click on the MyNPC link.
  2. Login to your MyNPC account by entering your username and password in the boxes on the top right.
  3. Click on the person icon or photo in the top right corner.
  4. Click on My profile & settings.
  5. Click on Contact information on the left-hand side of the screen.
  6. Update your addresses (including email address)

Note: It is imperative that NPC has your most recent contact information so that we are able to contact you when needed.

YOUR USER NAME & PASSWORD: Your user name will be in the format of 1st initial, last name and a possible number (Example: JDoe2). Your initial password was emailed to you and our staff have no access to review it. If you do not know/forgot your username and password you can reset by going to

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